
Showing posts from June, 2016

EP-014 Lebron and the US Men's National Team Copa America is Explained Gary Johnson Peak Under the Hood

Jay is solo in the Longview humidor. Let's talk about that Us Men's National team! Gary Johnson and the Libertarian party brings out the hypocrite in Jay, but where and who are these Libertarians? Lebron James earns respect and a place in basketball folklore.   Email feedback to   Sponsors:   If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element

EP-013 Cheesy Keesy in the humidor Trump was mentioned Cannabis is the topic dejour Science She blinded me with science talk

Brian Keesbury, aka Smokin Js Technology Manager, AKA The Awesomator, joins Jay in the Humidor in Longview, Wa. Cannabis politics and real science are on the topic list. You never know when Jay will defend D Trump, and Brian will drop science on that ass. Power though, the Middle of the Road Party is coming to your town. Let's all talk about our wifi built in antennas and spread this virus.   Email feedback to   Sponsors:   If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element

EP-012 Jurgen Klinsmann in the cross hairs Copa America Vice Presidential click bait Opioid addiction Muhammad Ali and Saving the world

Jay goes hard at Jurgen Klinsmann, but not for the reasons thrown out in main stream media. It's Copa America in the USA! Soccer talk quickly ends with a rant against click bait and media trolling on Vice Presidential speculation. The name that shall not be named was not named. Finally Jay gives respect to Muhammad Ali, updates Prince RIP, and tries to save the world one podcast at a time. Pay attention and listen up, we have a problem.   Email feedback to   Sponsors:   If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element