Psychedelic Mushrooms - Types, Academic Studies, Legislation

If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Episode 57 - Psychedelic Mushrooms - Types, Academic Studies, Legislation The Mushroom Episode! Poetic Math joins Jay in the Smokin Js Podcast Studio to discuss his passion for psychedelic mushrooms. But this isn't a tripped out show of experience! Poetic Math lays out the types of psychedelic mushrooms commonly found in the Pacific Northwest, discusses high level academic studies developing use cases for psychedelic mushrooms, and gives us an update on political legislation on going. Poetic Math is on a career path to work with psychedelic mushrooms in a clinical setting to assist people with various ailments like PTSD. Types : Don't call them "magic mushrooms"! Did you know there are over 100 different types of psychedelic mushrooms? We discuss Azurescens , Cyanescens (Wavy Cap), Semilanceata (Liberty Cap), and Cubensis . We are in the Pacific Northwest, s...