Listener Questions - Antifa Trump Protest Culture and Business
Episode 50 - Listener Questions - Antifa Trump Protest Culture and Business If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element I am so excited the podcast turned 50! It's been an interesting journey. I am happy to be here with you. 1: Question: At what point in your life did you become a “conservative hippie,” and realize that to be true to yourself, you would identify yourself under two descriptors that most people believe go together like fire and water? From @davestwittylife on Twitter 2: Question: Will Joe Biden Debate Trump Considering he seems to be declining mentally? From G Moody @geraldmoody1560 on Twitter and host of This That & the Third Podcast 3: Question: How did all of this begin for you? From @speakernikesa on Twitter 4: Question: 2020 election Predictions for Minnesota and Wisconsin and the impact the rioting will have on them? From @coachscott619 on Twitter 5: Question: ...